Ampthill Bowls Club are committed to safeguarding all those who participate in our sport, ensuring they can do so in a safe, positive and enjoyable environment. We align with the Bowls England safeguarding policy.
Ampthill Bowls Club Policy Statement
Ampthill Bowls Club acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard the welfare of all adults and young people involved in bowls within the club. All members and visitors have a right to protection, and to have their particular needs taken into account.
Ampthill Bowls Club will therefore endeavour to ensure the safety and protection of all involved within the club through the Child Protection and Adults at Risk guidelines adopted by the Management Committee of the club. These are based on the Bowls England Safeguarding Adults policy 2022 and the Bowls England Safeguarding Children policy 2022
It is the responsibility of all adults within the club to assist the Management Committee in this endeavour.
Safeguarding Principles and Practice
Everyone who participates in bowls is entitled to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment.
The Club is committed to helping everyone to accept their responsibility to safeguard young people and adults at risk, from harm and abuse.
All suspicions and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all Participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
Members have a responsibility to report concerns to our designated Club Safeguarding Officers.
The Club Safeguarding Officers are Nicolette Wade Tel 07985268604 and Trevor Nash.
Copies of the Bowls England policies referred to above are available below for your information.
Safeguarding Adults Policy V2 - 2022.pdf Safeguarding Children Policy V10 - Feb 2022